Inviting Inventive Entrepreneurs

We’ve mastered the art of steering early-stage startups to game-changing breakthroughs.

Get In Touch

About ATC Ventures

We are a team of entrepreneurs and investors with a passion for SaaS products and have built multiple tech startups from the ground up. We specialize in taking up early-stage startups and team them up with globally tested Go-to-Market strategies and established international networks.

Speed to Market

Our Release-Now drive guarantees your products reaching customers quickly.

Growth Mindset

Mindset is everything. We aid entrepreneurs to scale 10X in just the first 3 years.

Product Launch

We help kick-start your products in the Valley, the dream destination for tech.




Our objective is to enable early-stage entrepreneurs to go global and solve problems at scale.

Our Approach

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Founder-friendly, we know what it takes
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Accept that teams are diverse and inclusive
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Fund entrepreneurs with vision and passion to go all-in till the end
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Grow your team by helping you bring in the right talent onboard
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Identify the product-market fit and help understand the customer

What We Invest In.

Artificial Intelligence
Cloud & Kubernetes
Ed Tech
HR Tech

What We Look For?

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Early-stage startups where entrepreneurs can demonstrate the product-market fit
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Startups with a minimum viable product (MVP) and a strong tech team
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Founders who are prepared to move to Silicon Valley
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Funding up to $500K

Meet the team.

Darryl Jose

With a passion for Saas products and over 20 years of experience in building, promoting and scaling startups, Darryl has raised several bootstrapped, self-funded startups.

Bhanu Valluri

CoFounder for Auzmor and advisor for many B2B product startups, Bhanu is a serial entrepreneur with startups in security, voice assistant and employee experience space.

Bardia Moayedi

Bardia is an expert on corporate and securities law, with a primary emphasis on advising emerging growth and public companies throughout their life cycles.

Hi there, reach out to us.

Over a coffee

Alternatively, you can email your questions or business plans here:

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